Your Homeopathic Consultation

How I work

The first homeopathic consultation usually takes around one hour. Follow up consultations will last around 30 minutes.

A homeopathic consultation may be different to what you normally might expect from other therapeutic modalities because of the type of detail that I am interested in before making my prescription.

I will explore your current health concerns both on a physical level as well as on a mental/emotional level. The questioning and direction that I take encourages a deeper understanding of how you feel and the effects your health problems are having on you. The greater the understanding of how you feel, helps provide a greater accuracy in finding the most appropriate medicine to help you recover.

You will be given a single medicine to take over a number of days or for a longer period depending on your condition and management strategy.

Follow up consultations may occur after one, two or three weeks, depending again on the need for follow up assessment and management.

The duration of your treatment really depends on the types of conditions that are being managed. During the course of your homeopathic treatment you will find that your overall state of health and well-being will improve. Your resistance to the triggers that previously affected you will also improve and how you feel within yourself will change for the better. Often patients will say that they start to feel better with-in themselves as their road to recovery unfolds

To give you an idea of the scope of health problems that are seen, here is a short list:

  • stress disorders
  • anxiety
  • panic attacks
  • depression
  • allergies
  • respiratory disorders
  • digestive problems
  • hormonal problems
  • pregnancy problems
  • menstrual problems
  • skin problems
  • arthritis
  • migraines/headaches
  • insomnia

to name a few.

Children's Health managed with Homeopathy

The full range of CHILDREN’S HEALTH problems including allergies, behavioural and emotional problems, poor immune systems, the tendency to frequent colds/coughs, and digestive problems can be supported with homeopathy.

Also, see my website Homeopathy For Kids to see what I do in treating children’s complaints.

Act NOW… Please call for a chat or to organise an appointment
0412 231 332

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